Monday, March 14, 2022

Good persuasive essay topic

Good persuasive essay topic

Business Plan. Nevertheless, it is not a reason to give up. Explain the importance of positive aspects of this genre of literature. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population? Is legalizing marijuana a good idea? The best persuasive speech ideas will be on a topic you're interested in, aren't overdone, and will be about something your audience cares about, good persuasive essay topic.

�� How to Choose a Persuasive Essay Topic for College?

When given a task to come up with a persuasive speechgood persuasive essay topic, it is most often up to a student to pick the topic. Choosing the right topic for a persuasive speech is sometimes not such an easy thing to do as it may seem. The infinite choice often gets a student confused. Problem solution essay topics may help to clear things out, good persuasive essay topic. In any case, it is always a better idea to work with a topic that is particularly close to you and that you have a genuine interest in, as opposed to just picking a random topic.

Discussing something that you are familiar is not only more fun but also a lot easier. To aid the student, we have compiled this long list of topics in a broad range of categories. The topics in our list vary greatly in their subjects but are equally engaging and exciting. We have included both classic persuasive speech topics done by millions of students and other people throughout the years — such as termination of pregnancy, firearm control, same-sex matrimony, public smoking, etc. How come some animals face the threat of extinction and what should we do about it? Is it justified to detain people without any proper procedures if they are suspected of terrorism?

How should the government control and manage the turnover of alcohol and other narcotic substances? Why is it necessary to test and re-certify school workers for their pedagogical skills on a regular basis? Is it justified to offer free higher education to all applicants from financially challenged backgrounds? Does it really make studying at a study hall less effective when you listen to music? Should soda and sweets be present in vending machines and on the menu at buffets in schools? Should college admission officers run obligatory psychological tests on all applicants to evaluate them? Is it outdated to count the given and received amounts of education in hours at class? Should there be a certain age before and after which one could not work as a teacher?

Should the students' financial backgrounds influence the amount of financial aid that they earn by studying hard? Should more students be encouraged to choose Chinese as the foreign language to study? If SAT scores don't influence the chance for being enrolled in college, then why do they exist? Why are some social groups deprived of proper education good persuasive essay topic why it needs to be good persuasive essay topic Should schools owe and provide the housing for their teachers and other employees? Should private education institutions be forced to offer scholarships of their own? Why good persuasive essay topic it crucial to decrease the number of cars by enforcing public transportation?

Why the reckless use of natural resources is dangerous and why they should be conserved, good persuasive essay topic. Why do women still have their genitals artificially deformed and why we should no longer take it. Should parents be entitled to allow their underage children to drink alcohol and smoke? The harm we do by lying to children about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Toothfairy, good persuasive essay topic, etc. Can we get rid of the disease good persuasive essay topic switching our diets to exclusively organic food products?

Should there be state-run websites where companies would be obligated to write about all of their job openings? Does free distribution of condoms at schools improve the situation of sex-related problems among children of school age? All restaurants serving potentially allergenic ingredients in their meals should inform their customers thereof properly. School kids need to be educated about the prevention of rape and other sexual misconduct. Whose responsibility is it to enforce human rights in regions where they are violated?

Does forbidding the use of explicit vocabulary on TV in the daytime help its cause? Should being in a moving car without a fastened seatbelt be punishable more severely? Should the teenage-oriented media be more careful about the messages they send to their audiences? Music in MP3 format should be free as a promo material, whereas music in better sound quality formats should be for sale. Why is it dangerous to allow political parties to accept financial donations from large corporations? Should obese people be forced to pay for two seats at public transport or entertainment venues? Would it be effective to restrict the number of children in an American family to a certain number? Will we get rid of drunk driving if we appoint a responsible police officer to every pub?

Is it a good idea to make a certain period of community service compulsory for every US citizen? Is it the responsibility of a good municipal government to arrange free Wi-Fi spots all over the city? Is it possible to prolong weekends by one day without compromising working efficiency? Poverty cannot be dealt with unless we invest more resources into good persuasive essay topic social system. Female workers still usually have to work at lower wages than their male colleagues, and it is a big problem. Should support crew good persuasive essay topic as marching bands and mascots be regarded as sportspeople?

Should college team players be treated as professional sportspeople and be rewarded financially? Is it justified to reflect ethnical-cultural details in team names and other attributes? Why even the most professional team would have no chance with a name like Yellowfaces? Sure, as we know from good persuasive essay topic essay page, good persuasive essay topic, with such a huge variety of good persuasive essay topic to choose from, picking just one may be a challenge. As we already mentioned, the trick is good persuasive essay topic pick a subject that appeals to you personally.

This is one of the surest ways to approach any academic paper because it's going to be way more interesting to research the subject and because writing the actual paper will quite a lot of fun! Still, figuring out the best topic for your essay is not your only concern as a student. The next step would be crafting a compelling thesis statement. As a rule, essay writers present their thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph. Further on, you will base your paper good persuasive essay topic this statement, so choose wisely.

The number of body paragraphs will mostly depend on the length of your paper. Normally, having three major arguments to prove your point is enough for a convincing paper. This, in its turn, will give you three body paragraphs, each starting with its own point. Make sure to use logical transitions between the paragraphs, though - do not just skip from one issue to another. The last and usually, the fifth paragraph of your paper is the conclusion. Here, it is very important to restate your thesis statement. But remember - you should not do it word for word. The main point of a quality conclusion is to summarise everything you have written and prove your thesis statement either right this is the most common approach or wrong it may sometimes happen in argumentative papers.

All in all, you can see that writing a persuasive essay is no brain surgery. Still, it would be hard to argue that the process requires quite a bit of time and concentration, good persuasive essay topic. Plus, if you are assigned a persuassive paper topics in one of the minor subjects, it may often be challenging to take some time off the subjects you're majoring in. Fortunately for you, there is always a way out. In this particular case, custom writing is the perfect solution that saves time and effort. Our company has already helped thousands of overworked students from all over the world with their academic assignments.

We deal with a vast variety of essays in social, exact sciences, and humanities. And the best thing is - each paper is assigned to a qualified expert in the area, good persuasive essay topic, which is why all custom papers written here meet the high educational writing standards, as well as student's particular requirements. Order now. Home How It Works Prices Blog Reviews Essay Examples Order now. Easy Persuasive Speech Topics. Here we go: PETS AND FAUNA Is it better to adopt a pet from an animal nursery or to buy one at a pet store? Writing A Perfect Movie Review.

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First, it teaches kids to obey authority. They will wear uniforms for the rest of their life no matter what professional path they will use. Second of all, it helps to balance economic differences between kids. Some parents cannot afford expensive clothing, while others can. Why there should be no homework. Eating vegetables is good for your health. Why every child should be allowed to have a pet. Having a pet lets you experience what it is to be an adult. It teaches you responsibility. If you have a pet, you can share the lessons you have learned. Why having a piggy bank can help you in life.

Financial education should start at a very early age. Kids should be able to understand the value of money and what it means to save. If you have a piggy bank, you can share what benefits it has for you. Using a cell phone at school should be allowed. Why learning another language is good for you. Do you like traveling? Or watching movies and cartoons? Learning another language can help you to do so while using a foreign language. It also provides you with a competitive edge and an advantage in the future. Smoking is bad for you. Households should be obliged to recycle. Books should be replaced with tablets.

Books are the things of the past. Having to carry heavy books is not necessary anymore. A tablet can contain hundreds of books. It is also better for the environment and forest preservation. If you agree with this statement, choose this persuasive essay topic. The Internet is the best invention of the 20th century. Pretty much everyone will agree with you. A modern world would be so much more difficult without the Internet. It elevates communication to another level and provides information. Some people disagree with these statements. They think that the Internet is not the best invention of the 20th century. The Internet should be free for everyone. It is a critical component of modern life. Such things as applying for taxes, looking for a job, working are impossible nowadays without access to the Internet.

Even applying to university, or for scholarships to support your studies cannot be done without it. Consequently, it should be free. Eating chocolate is healthy. Video games promote violence. Video games are sometimes connected to violent actions. Kids who play video games are more likely to engage in intense activity. Elaborate on this view or argue against it. Why zoos should be banned. Lots of individuals love going to zoos. However, look at it from an ethical perspective. You will see why zoos should be forbidden for a large number of reasons.

In this essay, you can give your personal opinion. For example, tell your reader why keeping animals in cages is inhumane. The death penalty is an ineffective way to prosecute. Hunting is not an ethical hobby. Many people believe that it is not a decent hobby because it makes animals suffer. Sometimes an animal can survive the shot but later on experience a prolonged and painful death. Find arguments that support this point of view. You can think that there is nothing wrong with hunting. Then highlight that love for animals and this hobby are not two mutually exclusive concepts.

Online learning is best for students and teachers. The importance of equal representation of genders and races in the police. Capital punishment should be abolished. Churches should be required to pay taxes. This debate continues for decades. A lot of people believe that churches should be stripped of their tax-exempt charity status. One of the reasons is that the Catholic Church is the wealthiest organization in the world. Teachers should be paid more. This type of competition degrades women to mere sexual objects. Those who are not able to participate in such contests end up being affected as well.

They feel that they are not good enough. Explore some other arguments about why beauty contests are not good for teenagers. Why cyberbullying should become a crime. The question of authority is the focus of The Giver by Lois Lowry. Guns should not be allowed on College Campuses. Security cameras at a workplace are an invasion of privacy. Parents should never lie to their kids. In this essay, you can explain what happens to kids when their parents lie to them. Later in life, it may create a colossal distrust. You can also talk about common lies parents tell their kids such as Santa, dead pet, or swallowing chewing gum.

Illegal immigration benefits the American economy. Do we live in the society predicted by Ray Bradberry in Fahrenheit ? Being egoistic should be encouraged. Being selfish is usually seen as a negative trait. However, psychologists believe that being selfish can make you a better individual. You can claim that being selfish can help you stay healthy or even have better relationships. There are many good arguments you can make that will persuade your readers. Equal rights between men and women are impossible to attain. Elaborate on the topic expressing this or the opposing view. Provide both arguments and counterarguments, striving to convince your reader. Should all residents receive free health care?

There is a common belief that all college athletes are not very smart. In this essay, you should provide reasoning on why this statement is wrong. Universities should stop spending so much money on sports programs. This essay topic is another debate in American society. A lot of people believe that spending this amount of money on sports does not make sense. We could redirect this money to academics and financial support for students in need. The best schools in the USA do not have large sports programs, explain why. Every college athlete should get insurance. An issue of homophobia in sports. Cheerleaders should wear different costumes because the current ones are sexist.

Why parents should let their kids play extreme sports. Think about why parents should allow their children to participate in such activities. First, you can write about why kids want to do extreme sports. Second, you can elaborate on why parents do not want to let that. You will be surprised at what you might find. College athletes should get paid as much as the professional ones. Michael Jordan is the most successful athlete of all time. Everyone should have a right to euthanasia. The importance of talking to kids about sex. Healthcare should be free. First and foremost, free healthcare can save millions of lives. So, it creates a foundation for a right and just society. Some of the poorest people cannot afford to pay their medical bills.

It creates even more inequality in society. Why marijuana should not be legalized. There is a popular belief that marijuana is not dangerous. However, some scientists disagree with this statement. In this essay, you can persuade your readers not to support the legalization of the drug. Or you can do the opposite. Convince them that it is not harmful and can be beneficial for your health. Seven harmful effects of junk food. This topic is a funny one, but many people probably had the same type of questions. Why do unhealthy foods taste so good? Not only it pleases our taste buds, but it also triggers brain chemicals to start reacting. Poor nutrition and life expectancy connection. Playing with Barbie dolls can later manifest in eating disorders.

Girls who played with Barbie dolls are convinced that their bodies are not perfect. They feel as if they need to diet. An impossible ideal of Barbie creates a disturbance in body image. Society needs to see that playing with skinny dolls does not cause eating disorders. It increases the risks of having low self-esteem. This essay can provide a fresh look at something as innocent as playing with a doll. The stigma associated with mental illness has to be eliminated. Teenage Depression is more common than you think. Some individuals believe that teenagers nowadays have very unrealistic expectations. Find some data that can show how regular the issue is.

Prove your point with facts and opinions from trustworthy sources. Every school should have a mechanism to help students with mental health issues. Recognizing the symptoms, signs, and risk factors of OCD is important. The reasons why everyone should have a psychologist. There are plenty of reasons why everyone should see a therapist. An essay can discuss some of them and maybe convince people to start therapy. The negative effects of Social Media. What makes a successful Social Media marketing plan. Some many different tricks and tips help to make a successful social media marketing plan. However, stick to the essential ones.

What you are trying to do and what you want to achieve should be the focus. In the world of marketing, it is called S. Teenagers spend too much time on Social Media. In the modern world, almost everyone has a device. People spend a lot of time looking at the screen. Teenagers spend even more. Explain whether it is a problem or how it can be changed. What are the dangers of spending too much time on Social Media? Social Media addiction among older people. You might be surprised, but social media addiction exists even among older people. First, talk about what is considered social media addiction. Then talk about how it can be changed. Why should it be changed?

Social Media strengthens relationships between people. Despite a lot of negative effects, one thing remains clear: social media helps people to stay in touch. The world we live in today became much smaller because of social media. Social Media and Networking Sites are a great help in your professional development. The Internet heavily affects News. Do you agree? If you do, then this topic is excellent for you. Look at the history of rap music. You will find some great arguments that support this view. What was the purpose of the first songs? Depressive songs can be triggering for people with mental issues. Sad music usually goes hand-in-hand with depression. However, researchers say that sad music can worsen your condition, so you should be careful. There are a lot of great experiments that demonstrate this idea and prove this point.

Your essay can be quite helpful for those battling with their emotions and feelings. Hip hop dancing is a mainstream American culture now. Why music talent shows are so popular in America. Kids who listen to hip hop music are more rebellious than the rest. Rap music is heavily scrutinized. Kids who listen to rap and hip-hop may be more rebellious than others. It can happen since that such music often advocates violence and rebellion. The Negative view of women in hip hop music videos is outdated. The similarities between ballet and hip hop.

The music can influence our behavior. There are so many advantages when it comes to listening to classical music. Love is more than a set of chemical reactions. What is love? A lot of writers, scientists, philosophers, artists tried to answer this question. According to science, love is no more than a set of chemical reactions in the brain. You can argue that love is more sophisticated than any chemical reaction. Finding arguments that support this viewpoint should not be complicated. Or take the opposite stand. Hitting kids should be a crime. Children cannot make a connection between their actions and physical. Therefore, any form of aggression to children should become illegal. The only thing they feel is pain, so kids should not be physically punished.

You can talk about the short-term and long-term effects of childhood traumas caused by caregivers. The concept of love is different from culture to culture. A love of a woman is different. Sacrifice is an element in family life. To build a happy family, we may need to learn the quality of sacrifice. In your essay, you can talk about why it may be necessary. What does it help to achieve? You can include your life examples and show the benefits of sacrifice. The changing landscape of love and marriage. Love and marriage are incompatible. It is a very subjective idea. Though it has a place to exist.

If you think that UK universities are better, develop this idea into a persuasive essay. You have probably heard this point of view before. However, you do not have to agree with it. You could find good arguments to demonstrate this common belief. Explain your position and why people think this way. The UN and International Peace. Difficult relationships between the United Kingdom and the EU. Critical issues in the Philippines should be resolved immediately. The impact of immigration on the geography of Canada is exceptional. Did you know that Canada receives more than Discuss how it affects economic geography in Canada. Where do most immigrants decide to reside? What happens to the job market?

Does it really make studying at a study hall less effective when you listen to music? Should soda and sweets be present in vending machines and on the menu at buffets in schools? Should college admission officers run obligatory psychological tests on all applicants to evaluate them? Is it outdated to count the given and received amounts of education in hours at class? Should there be a certain age before and after which one could not work as a teacher? Should the students' financial backgrounds influence the amount of financial aid that they earn by studying hard? Should more students be encouraged to choose Chinese as the foreign language to study?

If SAT scores don't influence the chance for being enrolled in college, then why do they exist? Why are some social groups deprived of proper education and why it needs to be fixed? Should schools owe and provide the housing for their teachers and other employees? Should private education institutions be forced to offer scholarships of their own? Why is it crucial to decrease the number of cars by enforcing public transportation? Why the reckless use of natural resources is dangerous and why they should be conserved. Why do women still have their genitals artificially deformed and why we should no longer take it. Should parents be entitled to allow their underage children to drink alcohol and smoke?

The harm we do by lying to children about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Toothfairy, etc. Can we get rid of the disease by switching our diets to exclusively organic food products? Should there be state-run websites where companies would be obligated to write about all of their job openings? Does free distribution of condoms at schools improve the situation of sex-related problems among children of school age? All restaurants serving potentially allergenic ingredients in their meals should inform their customers thereof properly. School kids need to be educated about the prevention of rape and other sexual misconduct.

Whose responsibility is it to enforce human rights in regions where they are violated? Does forbidding the use of explicit vocabulary on TV in the daytime help its cause? Should being in a moving car without a fastened seatbelt be punishable more severely? Should the teenage-oriented media be more careful about the messages they send to their audiences? Music in MP3 format should be free as a promo material, whereas music in better sound quality formats should be for sale. Why is it dangerous to allow political parties to accept financial donations from large corporations?

Should obese people be forced to pay for two seats at public transport or entertainment venues? Would it be effective to restrict the number of children in an American family to a certain number? Will we get rid of drunk driving if we appoint a responsible police officer to every pub? Is it a good idea to make a certain period of community service compulsory for every US citizen? Is it the responsibility of a good municipal government to arrange free Wi-Fi spots all over the city? Is it possible to prolong weekends by one day without compromising working efficiency? Poverty cannot be dealt with unless we invest more resources into the social system. Female workers still usually have to work at lower wages than their male colleagues, and it is a big problem.

Should support crew such as marching bands and mascots be regarded as sportspeople? Should college team players be treated as professional sportspeople and be rewarded financially? Is it justified to reflect ethnical-cultural details in team names and other attributes? Why even the most professional team would have no chance with a name like Yellowfaces? Sure, as we know from diagnostic essay page, with such a huge variety of topics to choose from, picking just one may be a challenge. As we already mentioned, the trick is to pick a subject that appeals to you personally. This is one of the surest ways to approach any academic paper because it's going to be way more interesting to research the subject and because writing the actual paper will quite a lot of fun!

Still, figuring out the best topic for your essay is not your only concern as a student. The next step would be crafting a compelling thesis statement. As a rule, essay writers present their thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph. Further on, you will base your paper on this statement, so choose wisely. The number of body paragraphs will mostly depend on the length of your paper. Normally, having three major arguments to prove your point is enough for a convincing paper. This, in its turn, will give you three body paragraphs, each starting with its own point.

Make sure to use logical transitions between the paragraphs, though - do not just skip from one issue to another. The last and usually, the fifth paragraph of your paper is the conclusion. Here, it is very important to restate your thesis statement. But remember - you should not do it word for word. The main point of a quality conclusion is to summarise everything you have written and prove your thesis statement either right this is the most common approach or wrong it may sometimes happen in argumentative papers. All in all, you can see that writing a persuasive essay is no brain surgery.

Still, it would be hard to argue that the process requires quite a bit of time and concentration. Plus, if you are assigned a persuassive paper topics in one of the minor subjects, it may often be challenging to take some time off the subjects you're majoring in. Fortunately for you, there is always a way out. In this particular case, custom writing is the perfect solution that saves time and effort. Our company has already helped thousands of overworked students from all over the world with their academic assignments. We deal with a vast variety of essays in social, exact sciences, and humanities.

And the best thing is - each paper is assigned to a qualified expert in the area, which is why all custom papers written here meet the high educational writing standards, as well as student's particular requirements. Order now. Home How It Works Prices Blog Reviews Essay Examples Order now. Easy Persuasive Speech Topics. Here we go: PETS AND FAUNA Is it better to adopt a pet from an animal nursery or to buy one at a pet store?

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