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Essay paper writing

Essay paper writing

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persuasive essay topics for middle school students

Essays also attempt to persuade. Having posed a question or problem in the first paragraph of your essay, and having stated your thesis, you then need to convince your reader of the validity of your position. In order to persuade, you need to argue in a logical fashion. To do this, you should first write an outline before you begin to draft your essay. An outline will help you organize your argument, and it will, in the end, produce a more cogently argued paper. Second, you should include only the information in your essay that is relevant to the question you are addressing. Other information, whether factually correct or not, is irrelevant. It confuses your reader and obscures the point you are trying to argue.

Third, your essay should take your reader by the hand so to speak and guide him or her through the process of thought leading to the conclusions you want your reader to draw. You should assume that your reader is intelligent but does not necessarily know the material you are presenting. Thus, if certain facts are critical to an essay, you must present them as such, and you cannot assume that the reader already knows them. Fourth, to convince your reader that your thesis is correct, you must support your point of view with evidence. Use quotations and examples from your readings and from lectures to prove your points. You must, however, consider all evidence, even the evidence which might, at first glance, seem to disprove your argument: you must explain why awkward or contradictory evidence does not, in fact, undermine your conclusions.

If you cannot provide such an explanation, then you must modify your thesis. It is never acceptable to avoid unpleasant evidence by simply ignoring it. An essay must have an introductory paragraph that lets your reader know what your thesis is and what the main points of your argument will be. An essay must also have a conclusion at least a paragraph in length that sums up its most important arguments. In short, over the course of your essay, you must tell readers what you are going to say, say it, and then tell them what you have said. Paragraphs are the building blocks of an essay. Each paragraph should contain a single general idea or topic, along with accompanying explanations and evidence relevant to it. Each paragraph, moreover, has a topic sentence usually the first sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph is about.

Do not write one-, two-, or three-sentence paragraphs. Paragraphs have topics, introductory sentences, evidence, and conclusions. Do not write two- or three-page paragraphs. A paragraph generally explores a single idea, rather than a dozen. Before you end a discussion of one major topic and begin another, it is important to summarize your findings and analyze their importance for your thesis. It is also necessary to write a transition to alert your reader that you have begun a new topic. Thus, if your thesis is hinged on three major points, you should spend a couple of pages on each point and write a transition paragraph between each section. Avoid colloquialisms e. They are fine in speech, but they should never be used in formal written English. On the other hand, do not use antiquated or obscure words that have been suggested to you by your computer's thesaurus, especially if you are not sure what these words mean.

Gender-inclusive language should be used, but it should be used sensibly. On the one hand, if you mean all people living in society, do not describe them with the word men. On the other hand, if gender-inclusive language makes what you are saying incorrect, do not use it. In other words, when speaking about monks who are men , do not say he or she. If talking about the right to vote in the nineteenth century, the same principle holds, as women could not then vote. It is all right to use I , me , or my now and again, but do not overuse them.

It is unnecessary to use expressions such as in my opinion , as your reader will assume that whatever you write in your paper that is not attributed to another author is your opinion. When you first discuss an author or historical figure, use first and last name. After this, you are free to use last name only. Do not, however, refer to historical figures by their first name; e. This rule applies for women as well as men. Emily Dickinson should be called Dickinson rather than Mrs. Avoid beginning sentences and paragraphs with the word however , and never end a sentence with however. However can be used only to link two halves of a single sentence, separated by a semicolon not a comma , if both clauses have something to do with one another.

Incorrect: He was hungry; however, it was a warm day. The words while and although have slightly different meanings. Although means "regardless of the fact that" or "even though. Stick to the past tense as much as possible. Do not write about long-past events and long-dead people in the present tense. Think carefully when you use the passive voice in favor of the active voice. Luther believed that… is better, clearer, and punchier than It was believed by Luther that… , and A. Bell invented the telephone is better than The telephone was invented by A. Bell , because Luther and Bell were acting rather than being acted upon.

Still, people are acted upon as well as act, and events are caused as well as happen on their own accord. When you are attempting to express this, by all means use the passive voice e. Write out numerals except dates under i. When a century is used as an adjective — that is, as a phrase that describes a noun i. When a specific century is used as a noun i. You also must hyphenate other pairs of words when using them as adjectives. For example, when African American is used as a noun African Americans were long denied the right to serve on juries , there is no hyphen. When it is used as an adjective African-American men are often stopped without cause by the police there is a hyphen.

The same rule applies to middle class , working class , or any other pair of words. When pairs of words act like nouns, they are not hyphenated; when they act like adjectives, they are. Adjectives make for interesting writing, but they should be used sparingly. The Communist Manifesto was really, truly very much a work of ground-breaking importance is not as good as The Communist Manifesto was ground breaking. In most cases, it is wise to avoid using the same word twice in a single sentence or many times in a single paragraph. Nonetheless, some ideas, institutions, and activities have highly technical meanings, and synonyms cannot be found for them. A communist , for example, should not be called a socialist , nor should slavery be termed vassalage , indenture , or some other word that does not actually mean "slavery.

You need to think carefully about the meaning of the words you use. Avoid using anachronistic terms. Words like superstition , the masses , the people , nation , citizens , and countries can all be used to describe the modern world, but they are inappropriate for the pre-Modern period. For example, just as you would not describe twentieth-century France as a kingdom , you should not describe twelfth-century France as a nation. Make sure that single nouns match single pronouns and verbs, and that plural nouns match plural pronouns and verbs. Consider these sentences: The conventions connected them to a national body of women who shared ideals and beliefs.

It allowed them to work with black men. In this sentence, they should have been used instead of it. Another example: His first memories of slavery was… The word was should be were. Make sure that the antecedents of your pronouns i. Read the following sentence: Masters tried to use religion to control slaves, but they were not very interested in conversion. The author is trying to say that masters were not concerned with the spiritual conversions of their slaves. Grammatically, however, the word they refers to slaves rather than masters , because the noun slaves is closer to the pronoun they than the noun masters. This makes the sentence factually incorrect, since slaves were very interested in their own spiritual lives. Avoid using this or that as a subject i.

It is better to be more specific: i. Quoted material needs to be introduced. You cannot simply throw in a quotation without introducing it in a way that allows your reader to see what it is doing there i. Examples or quotations should not, however, be introduced as follows: On page five it says… or In the book it says…. Indent and single-space long quotations generally anything more than three lines. When you have indented a quotation, do not use quotation marks. It is good to have a clear goal in mind, and to know what you want to argue.

There are three most important points in a conclusion. Christine is a seasoned Business Writer with over 4 years of experience of Business Writing Services. The first point of a conclusion is to know your thesis statement. This is the main idea that you will present in your essay. This idea is what the essay is about, and if your conclusion is good it will be made of this idea. You need to make sure that your arguments cover all of your points in your essay. You will often find that in the paper that you are writing that you do not need to provide evidence to support your argument, this is when you need to make sure that you have provided evidence to support all of your points.

She understands your business and your objectives and she is skilled in creating effective business write-ups for different industries. The strength of your argument lies in your evidence, but it can also be the strength of your argument if your argument is incorrect, so it is very important that you check all of your points. You also need to consider that if you are in any doubt, you may have to change your conclusion. When writing your conclusion, you need to make sure that you are clear on what needs to be done. This is not always straightforward as some papers need to focus on issues and not solutions.

If this is the case then you should ensure that you are clear about what is to be done to resolve any issues you have. The last thing to remember about writing a conclusion is that it needs to be brief. A conclusion is not meant to be long winded, but a brief summary may help the reader get a better understanding of what you have discussed in your essay. The last thing that you need to do before writing a conclusion is to provide a small afterword. Afterword can be used to set out any relevant notes or relevant sections of your essay. However, it should not be longer than a couple of paragraphs. The final thing you need to do before you write your conclusion is to revise it in terms of your argument. There are many ways that you can revise your essay, but if you are worried that you are not putting across the strong points you had earlier in the essay you may want to write a revision note.

In my experience, this is one of the most common problems that amateur authors find.

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