Monday, January 10, 2022

Essay for life

Essay for life

Many people drink and run over their car on innocent people killing them or injuring them badly. We must thus make the most of the time we have. Some people study, some do the household chores, some work on business plans, some work for an employer and some just enjoy and vile away their time. But what is a sense when there is no relevance to the reader? They lost every sense of direction and most times, some of them go as far as committing suicide, essay for life, just to escape essay for life injustice life has meted out to them.

Essay Sample – My Life Is …

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It is just a call away and you can get a quick reply. MORE DETAILS. Plagiarism-free guarantee Write my essay quickly? High-Quality Paper There are various quality-control tools that all have different functions. Mision Excellent Academic Min deadlines 2 hour. Online paraphrasing tool to rewrite Automatic Essay Rewriter Our site will help you create a professional article. Nowadays, the most common article replacement tools are RULE and APRI. Personalization Ability to acquire further education Best essay writing service would assign a writer with certain knowledge and experience to your task, which gives you the confidence that all the suggestions and ideas that were given will not turn out to be only a source of confusion or stress.

There is no harm in seeking help from family and friends whenever there is a need. However, we must not depend upon them completely. It is important to set goals in life. We must set both long term and short term goals for our personal as well as professional life and work hard to achieve them. Goals give purpose to our life. To set goals, we must first understand what we want in life and then make a plan to achieve it. We must always set a time frame for achieving our goals. While challenges take us through new experiences and make us stronger, goals help us stay focused. Both challenges and goals are important in life. Life is a precious gift. It must be handled with care. We must be thankful to God for sending us on Earth and giving us such beautiful surroundings to live in.

We must also be thankful to God for making us physically and mentally fit to live a wholesome life. Not just human beings, the life of animals, birds and plants is equally precious and we must value it too. We must appreciate the good in our life and express gratitude for the same. Many people are not happy with the way things go on in their life. They criticize almost everything and everyone around and develop a negative outlook. They need to understand that the fact that they have been given a life to live is in itself a big thing. The fact that they are in good health is a reason to be thankful for. The fact that they are able and can work hard and make their life better is another reason to be grateful.

They must appreciate what they have and be thankful for it. Everything else can be achieved with some effort. Many people indulge in bad habits such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. The havoc created post consuming these can be a threat to their life as well as the life of those around them. Many people drink and run over their car on innocent people killing them or injuring them badly. They even hurt themselves during such incidents. They incur serious health problems over the time thus ruining their lives as well as the lives of their family members. They must understand that life is precious. We can lead a purposeful life and add value to it or waste it and end up in a mess.

Many people realize this much later in life mostly after incurring a major problem. It is too late then and they cannot go back and relive their life properly. We must value this gift called life when there is still time and tread the right path to enjoy it. God has given us a chance to live and enjoy the beauty of the nature. Life is a precious gift and we must all value it. We must express gratitude and stay positive to make the most of this gift given to us. We must also value the lives of those around us. There is a mad rush all around us. In schools, offices, businesses and even in households — people are running around, chasing different things and trying to achieve things as fast as they can as if they are about to miss a train.

This eagerness and restlessness to get somewhere is what they pass on to their kids too and it goes on and on. Where exactly do we want to reach? And how will we feel when we reach there? We need to slow down and ask ourselves these questions. We must understand that life is a journey not a destination. This means that we need to go through it slowly and calmly enjoying every moment and making the most of it rather than rushing through it. We often overlook the little things in life and keep chasing the bigger things believing they will give us happiness. While achieving our big dreams and goals does give us satisfaction however it is the little things in life that bring us true happiness.

These are the things that bring a smile to our face later in life. For instance, parents keep telling their children to behave nicely, study dedicatedly and sleep on time. They do all this to inculcate discipline in them. They want them to focus on their studies so that they can choose a good stream and build a rewarding career. They believe that all this will help them get a good life partner and build a happy personal life too. They have good intentions but are they really doing good to their children? In a way, no as they are stealing the precious moments of their lives that could be spent more joyfully. Children are repeatedly told that they can enjoy once they get a good job.

When they get a good job, they are asked to work hard to get to a good position in the company. Then they are told that they can enjoy their life after they reach a certain position. You can live life to the fullest with utmost satisfaction and fulfillment if you determine with all your mind, body and soul to succeed. On the other hand, life can be miserable to you if you take everything for granted and wait on fate to play itself out. The setting of goals and strategic plans that will strive no matter the odds which may move against you is one of the basic things needed to get the best out of life. These goals which must be result-oriented should be followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their dreams. Each of them had a belief, should I say faith, which they held onto, they nurture the belief, focused all their attention and live on it. And today, we have benefited in one way or the other from their inventions and great ideas. Life is a challenge. What is happening in our environment should not influence or affect us in our daily quest for success in life.

Instead, we should control the happenings around us. Life is so easy, yet many people rush and miss what they want to achieve in life. Take one step at a time. Each step should be properly planned before being launched. Steady, balance, mark and shoot. And before you know it, the sky will become the beginning of your success. All the great men of today, has one way or the other tasted the other side of life but they did not cower. Instead, they were renewed to redefine their goals; they ride on with faith, believing in their potential, focusing their mind on something, knowing fully well that in every black cloud there is always a silver lining.

I take life to be very simple and do you know what? Life is to be enjoyed. What about you? As you see this essay is a chance to express your life philosophy and values to the readers and give them a sense of who you are. Certainly, you need to describe your life in this essay. But what is a sense when there is no relevance to the reader? Indeed, this topic is quite philosophical to involve others in its discussion. It is true there is no possible way to discuss it on paper, but still, it is possible to touch on the reader.

Despite the fact that you should tell about your life in your personal voice, you should address the reader directly. Look at how it is done in an essay sample. The final words deserve a special notice — it is a direct question referred to the reader. Be sure it will play a positive role! Writing Guide.

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