Thursday, March 24, 2022

Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

Log In Sign Up. The move would actually prevent illegal trade which increases the price in the black market at the disadvantage of medical users. This has greatly affected the high school students in most states where these drugs are readily available. The Internet is full of controversial studies, either claiming that marijuana is bliss and should be legalized everywhere, or stating directly the opposite. Finally is that the state should ensure that there is sufficient should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay treatment on the convicted persons in prison or in jail terms Zili Amsel Criminalizing the use of marijuana will not help the federal and state governments in fighting the menace of the use of marijuana.

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Worried about plagiarism? Read this, should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay. Help Login Sign Up. Legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes has been an extremely controversial topic, one that has it supporters who have long fought the opposition. Although marijuana has been used for thousand of years to provide relief from many health problems, it still remains an illegal drug in the United States. There are many doctors who support the effectiveness of the use of marijuana as treatment for many medical conditions. People who oppose the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes would claim that legalizing the drug would lead to abuse of the drug for recreational use. This is important claim for the opposition.

However, after looking at all the information that has been gathered in regards to this topic, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes would be more beneficial to the United States should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay many good reasons. The drug, first cultivated at least years ago, began its life in China where it was used to make clothing, rope and the seeds were used to make oil for painting Richardson The medicinal uses of the drug can be dated as far back as BC where the Chinese people discovered its medicinal value. About BC, Shen-Nung, an emperor, recommended marijuana as a cure for several health related problems Stwertka 5. In America, marijuana as medicine dates back to the s. An article by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar in the Journal of American Medical Association states that "between andEuropean and American medical journals published more than articles on the therapeutic use of the drug known then as Cannabis Indica or Indian hemp and now as marihuana.

Due to the should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay of the cultivation Should Marijuana be legalized for Medicinal Purposes?. In WriteWork. WriteWork contributors. com, 21 June, WriteWork contributors, "Should Marijuana be legalized for Medicinal Purposes? I agree with bvplaydrum make it legal! But anyway, this was a good essy and i enjoyed reading it, well done, nice topic, easily read, goodjob!

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This is important claim for the opposition. However, after looking at all the information that has been gathered in regards to this topic, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes would be more beneficial to the United States for many good reasons. The drug, first cultivated at least years ago, began its life in China where it was used to make clothing, rope and the seeds were used to make oil for painting Richardson The medicinal uses of the drug can be dated as far back as BC where the Chinese people discovered its medicinal value. About BC, Shen-Nung, an emperor, recommended marijuana as a cure for several health related problems Stwertka 5.

In America, marijuana as medicine dates back to the s. An article by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar in the Journal of American Medical Association states that "between and , European and American medical journals published more than articles on the therapeutic use of the drug known then as Cannabis Indica or Indian hemp and now as marihuana. Due to the taxation of the cultivation Should Marijuana be legalized for Medicinal Purposes?. In WriteWork. WriteWork contributors. The interview with the Cavonus spouses has supported its benefits and relief, not only in financial considerations, but also in terms of medicinal effects. The only crucial consideration is its effect to the community that espouses Marijuana Banks.

Residents could express apprehension on its legalization given that it could be misused and abused. The young and immature individuals could irresponsibly veer into addiction and cause subsequent violence and misbehavior in the community. This could however be addressed with close monitoring with local government agencies that should assign task forces to regularly ply these stores and ensure that the sale is governed by legal laws and regulations. Any violations should immediately be sanctioned through stiff penalties that could mean closer of these stores and inability to apply elsewhere in the country. The significance of having legalized marijuana was supported to be more advantages to patients, who need them most.

Legalization and application to dispense through Marijuana Banks must be subject to stringent policies and procedures and subjected to frequent monitoring. Only verified prescriptions must be accommodated with direct contact to the prescribing physicians for validation and cross checking. The results of the interview have shown the medical benefits of marijuana compared with traditional medications. The relief, enabling ability for relaxation and enhancing the appetite, needed for recovery, are worth noting. The stress in financial resources caused by expensive medications make marijuana all the more a welcome respite. Since 16 states plus Washington, DC have already supported and enacted its legalization, other states could follow using the same guidelines and regulations for implementation and monitoring.

The move would actually prevent illegal trade which increases the price in the black market at the disadvantage of medical users. The future and potentials for legalization of medical marijuana in all states in the US is optimistic given the positive feedback of the patients who use it. Like any other narcotic drugs, the sale and use of marijuana must be subject to the same strict rules and regulations to ensure that they do not fall in the wrong hands. Through future medical research and technological developments, more alternative applications for marijuana could be innovatively discovered to address the issues and concerns that opposing parties contend. When one is face to face with patients who just want to seek relief through medical marijuana from a debilitating illness, the hope for recovery that emanates, would definitely lead one to support its immediate legalization.

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