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Abstract expressionism essay

Abstract expressionism essay

GET WRITING HELP. Removal Request. Free Abstract Expressionism Essays and Papers. The sets and costumes consisted of black and white cloth sheets painted with geometric forms. Even though the work may seem spontaneous, abstract artists employed highly calculated methods. Mature Abstract Expressionism: Color Field Another path lay in the expressive potential of color, abstract expressionism essay.


Abstract expressionism is an American art movement that emerged after World War II, abstract expressionism essay. With the increasing acceptance by critics and the general public, the term, abstract expressionism, has met with increasing opposition from the artists involved. Above all, they object to a single all-encompassing label for a painting whose essence is the expression of the individual, for painters as different as Pollock and Rothko, or de Kooning and Gottlieb Amason and Kalb 55, Abstract expressionism is defined as an art movement that empathizes and portrays subconscious and automatic reflections caused by emotional intensity and self-denial. A direct source of inspiration came from the European Surrealists who took refuge in the USA during the Second World War.

The most important in this context abstract expressionism essay Matta, abstract expressionism essay. Its dramatic potentialities were exploited and the masses of black and white made to clash in rhythms. Some abstract impressionism features represented a mixture of the old principles which had initiated the era of modern art. The immediacy of handling, spontaneity of vision, abstract expressionism essay, a new decorative attraction was the main priority. Abstract immersionism rendered natural forms and represented a spontaneous abstraction of the details in nature influenced in their shape and direction by the inner tensions of the design. Many artists were well aware of the danger of schematization, but they supposed that it would help them to create a new and warm response to the unconscious, abstract expressionism essay.

This very feature was felt throughout abstract works as a most natural outcome of his sensitive and excitable temperament. Abstract impressionism is perceived as merely a broad abstract expressionism essay inaccurate label for certain exciting experiments which were carried on by widely different painters in the United States. Many paintings remind Picasso and cubism but abstract impressionists maintained a strong unity by color relationships and by the manipulation of lines. The artist once described how he reached a greater power of expression by disregarding light and shade. A type of abstract art, particularly sculpture, characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a deliberate lack of expressive content; it emerged as a trend in the late s and flourished particularly in the s and s.

Their activities included releasing small quantities of inert gases into the atmosphere and taking photographs of their dispersal which is completely invisible Amason and Kalb Minimalism was a movement in American art, originating in New York in the mids, in which painters and other artists produced works that consist essentially of complex and generally brightly colored patterns abstract, figurative, or a mixture of both. Many of the artists involved in the movement were women, influenced by the feminist concern with highly decorative crafts such as quilt making that have traditionally been the preserve of women Amason and Kalb The New York Abstract expressionism essay and Decoration Group first met in and organized an exhibition the following year.

Many of the members were taken up by the dealer Holly Solomon, who had recently established a gallery in New York, and their work enjoyed considerable success in the later s, abstract expressionism essay. Such documentation takes varied forms, including photographs, sound and video cassettes, texts, maps, abstract expressionism essay, diagrams, and sets of instructions, but some Conceptual works do not have any physicality at all Chipp It is possible to say that minimalism evolves out of abstract impressionism reflecting its main features and borrowing its techniques. Minimal art developed mainly in the USA rather than Europe abstract expressionism essay its impersonality is seen as a reaction against the emotionalism of Abstract Expressionism.

Leading sculptors of the movement include Carl Andre, Don Judd, abstract expressionism essay, and Tony Smith; leading painters for whom the immediate precedents were Albers and Reinhardt include Frank Stella in his early workand Hard-Edge abstractionists such as Ellsworth Kelly and Kenneth. Often industrial materials arranged in geometrical or highly simplified configurations we may experience all the more strongly the pure qualities abstract expressionism essay color, form, space, and materials Chipp Minimal art has close links with Conceptual art Minimalist sculpture often has a strong element of theoretical demonstration about it, with the artist leaving the fabrication of the design to industrial specialists, Like Pop art, Minimal art proved a commercial success for many of its leading practitioners, and it generated a huge amount of critical commentary; sometimes it seemed that the less there was to see in a work, the more verbiage it attracted.

Amason, abstract expressionism essay, H. History of Modern Art: Painting Sculpture Architecture Photography. Prentice Hall; 4 edition, Chipp, H. Theories of Modern Art A Source Book by Artists and Critics California Studies in the History of Art. University of California Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. This essay on Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism was written and submitted by your fellow student.

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They were also exposed to groundbreaking temporary exhibitions of new work, including Cubism and Abstract Art , Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism —37 , and retrospectives of Matisse , Léger , and Picasso , among others. There the Abstract Expressionists saw the work of Mondrian, Gabo, El Lissitzky, and others. The forerunner of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum—the Museum of Non-Objective Painting—opened in Even prior to that date, its collection of Kandinskys had been publicly exhibited several times. The lessons of European modernism were also disseminated through teaching. The German expatriate Hans Hofmann — became the most influential teacher of modern art in the United States, and his impact reached both artists and critics.

The crisis of war and its aftermath are key to understanding the concerns of the Abstract Expressionists. Direct contact with European artists increased as a result of World War II, which caused so many—including Dalí, Ernst, Masson, Breton, Mondrian, and Léger—to seek refuge in the U. The Surrealists opened up new possibilities with their emphasis on tapping the unconscious. One Surrealist device for breaking free of the conscious mind was psychic automatism—in which automatic gesture and improvisation gain free rein. Early Work Early on, the Abstract Expressionists, in seeking a timeless and powerful subject matter, turned to primitive myth and archaic art for inspiration.

Rothko, Pollock, Motherwell, Gottlieb, Newman, and Baziotes all looked to ancient or primitive cultures for expression. Their early works feature pictographic and biomorphic elements transformed into personal code. Jungian psychology was compelling, too, in its assertion of the collective unconscious. Directness of expression was paramount, best achieved through lack of premeditation. There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing. We assert that the subject is critical. Mature Abstract Expressionism: Gesture In , Pollock developed a radical new technique, pouring and dripping thinned paint onto raw canvas laid on the ground instead of traditional methods of painting in which pigment is applied by brush to primed, stretched canvas positioned on an easel. The paintings were entirely nonobjective.

In their subject matter or seeming lack of one , scale huge , and technique no brush, no stretcher bars, no easel , the works were shocking to many viewers. De Kooning, too, was developing his own version of a highly charged, gestural style, alternating between abstract work and powerful iconic figurative images. Other colleagues, including Krasner and Kline, were equally engaged in creating an art of dynamic gesture in which every inch of a picture is fully charged. For Abstract Expressionists, the authenticity or value of a work lay in its directness and immediacy of expression.

What was to go on the canvas was not a picture but an event. Mature Abstract Expressionism: Color Field Another path lay in the expressive potential of color. Rothko, Newman, and Still, for instance, created art based on simplified, large-format, color-dominated fields. The impulse was, in general, reflective and cerebral, with pictorial means simplified in order to create a kind of elemental impact. As with Pollock and the others, scale contributed to the meaning. For the time, the works were vast in scale. And they were meant to be seen in relatively close environments, so that the viewer was virtually enveloped by the experience of confronting the work.

The Aftermath The first generation of Abstract Expressionism flourished between and the mids. The paintings were seen widely in traveling exhibitions and through publications. In the wake of Abstract Expressionism, new generations of artists—both American and European—were profoundly marked by the breakthroughs made by the first generation, and went on to create their own important expressions based on, but not imitative of, those who forged the way. Paul, Stella. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, —. htm October Messinger, Lisa Mintz Abstract Expressionism: Works on Paper.

Selections from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, See on MetPublications. The immediacy of handling, spontaneity of vision, a new decorative attraction was the main priority. Abstract immersionism rendered natural forms and represented a spontaneous abstraction of the details in nature influenced in their shape and direction by the inner tensions of the design. Many artists were well aware of the danger of schematization, but they supposed that it would help them to create a new and warm response to the unconscious. This very feature was felt throughout abstract works as a most natural outcome of his sensitive and excitable temperament.

Abstract impressionism is perceived as merely a broad and inaccurate label for certain exciting experiments which were carried on by widely different painters in the United States. Many paintings remind Picasso and cubism but abstract impressionists maintained a strong unity by color relationships and by the manipulation of lines. The artist once described how he reached a greater power of expression by disregarding light and shade. A type of abstract art, particularly sculpture, characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a deliberate lack of expressive content; it emerged as a trend in the late s and flourished particularly in the s and s.

Their activities included releasing small quantities of inert gases into the atmosphere and taking photographs of their dispersal which is completely invisible Amason and Kalb Minimalism was a movement in American art, originating in New York in the mids, in which painters and other artists produced works that consist essentially of complex and generally brightly colored patterns abstract, figurative, or a mixture of both. Many of the artists involved in the movement were women, influenced by the feminist concern with highly decorative crafts such as quilt making that have traditionally been the preserve of women Amason and Kalb The New York Pattern and Decoration Group first met in and organized an exhibition the following year. Many of the members were taken up by the dealer Holly Solomon, who had recently established a gallery in New York, and their work enjoyed considerable success in the later s.

Such documentation takes varied forms, including photographs, sound and video cassettes, texts, maps, diagrams, and sets of instructions, but some Conceptual works do not have any physicality at all Chipp It is possible to say that minimalism evolves out of abstract impressionism reflecting its main features and borrowing its techniques. Minimal art developed mainly in the USA rather than Europe and its impersonality is seen as a reaction against the emotionalism of Abstract Expressionism. Leading sculptors of the movement include Carl Andre, Don Judd, and Tony Smith; leading painters for whom the immediate precedents were Albers and Reinhardt include Frank Stella in his early work , and Hard-Edge abstractionists such as Ellsworth Kelly and Kenneth.

Often industrial materials arranged in geometrical or highly simplified configurations we may experience all the more strongly the pure qualities of color, form, space, and materials Chipp Minimal art has close links with Conceptual art Minimalist sculpture often has a strong element of theoretical demonstration about it, with the artist leaving the fabrication of the design to industrial specialists, Like Pop art, Minimal art proved a commercial success for many of its leading practitioners, and it generated a huge amount of critical commentary; sometimes it seemed that the less there was to see in a work, the more verbiage it attracted. Amason, H. History of Modern Art: Painting Sculpture Architecture Photography. Prentice Hall; 4 edition, Chipp, H.

Theories of Modern Art A Source Book by Artists and Critics California Studies in the History of Art. University of California Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism.

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