Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Essays about my school

Essays about my school

Essay on My School. During the recess hour, we go to the playground. It has spacious playground, a football court and a basketball court. We go to school, attend the morning assembly, say our prayers essays about my school study for 6 hours a day. This is basic school information that you must be knowing.

My School Essay 200 Words

My School Essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Essay Topics — Essay on My School — Read and write My School Essay in English,and words. My school is a big building, having 3 floors. It is painted in red colour. The school is like a temple where we go to learn. We are taught to respect our elders. The first thing is the morning assembly where we say our prayers and sing the national anthem. There are 7 periods in total with two short breaks and a lunch break. The teachers are nice yet strict. The lunch breaks are the best where we get to sit and play with our friends.

My school is not far from my home. I love to walk to my essays about my school. School is a temple of learning and training ground for the future. My school name is Saint Mary school. It was set up in by a landlord in our area. The atmosphere in which our school is situated is very pleasant. It is surrounded by a playground on one side and a grinder with a small pond on the other side. The school has two rows of buildings, essays about my school. There are ten classrooms in the front building. The total number of students in our school is about five thousand.

The school functions from to The classes begin after a mass prayer. During the recess hour, we go to the playground, essays about my school. The library of our school is a big one. There are about two thousand books of different subjects. We have a library period in our weekly routine. The District science exhibition is also held in our school, essays about my school. There is a big auditorium hall at my school. There is also basketball and badminton court, cricket pitch, etc. essays about my school sports. The discipline, the study atmosphere and the brilliant academic result of our school attract essays about my school meritorious students from distant parts of our state.

My school is an ideal school in all respects. I am proud of my school. My school is a big building situated in the heart of the city. It is spread around in 2 acres of land. It has spacious playground, a football court and a basketball court. The first, second and third floor all consist of classrooms, laboratories, art room and music room. The school has spacious bathrooms and water coolers with a RO. The classes are spacious and ventilated. The teachers are highly educated and cooperative with the students. The Computer Lab is equipped with high-tech computers. The school has foreign exchange program where students are sent abroad to study for a year. Our school has amazing extracurricular facilities, from art class to debate club; our school has everything.

Our Principal is an exceptional lady. The school employs about teachers including lab assistants. Our school has a large canteen. There is a roomy library on the ground floor. It has more than books. It has all the books; from the classics to the modern romances, the science related books to the historical books. The school has bus essays about my school with over 10 buses. My school is equipped with everything a child could ever need. The student-teacher bond is talked about. My school is filled with diversity and I love it. My school name is St Xavier Public School, essays about my school, it is situated on the confluence of two rivers. It is spread across half acre land, which comprises a school building, campus and a big ground.

My school is semi English school and the main language is English. Our school always deliver the best results. One of our students, Samsun is district topper and state topper in Mathematics. All credit goes to our teachers, administrative staff, and principal sir. We bagged this award because of our smart, hardworking principal sir. Last week, Principal sir updated that from this semester all of science and math classes will be taught on the computerised system. The school has bought software and projectors too. Parents welcome this concept. They are delighted to know that their children getting a quality education. Our school also helps other schools in surrounding villages.

They conduct guest lectures and invite those students to our school too. We also arrange the annual Science Exhibition, Essay and Speech competition. Our school believes in the collective success and that makes me proud of my school, essays about my school. It is situated at Bhavnagar in Gujarat, essays about my school. My school is well known in the whole state. It essays about my school 4 storied, yellow coloured building. My school has 40 ventilated rooms and 10 halls, also it has 1 large essays about my school hall. The school has 2 large computer labs and 4 science experiment laboratories. He is a very generous person. Except for the principal sir, essays about my school, there are 50 teachers in my school.

There are 20 male and 30 female teachers. They are all well trained. They are all cooperative and cultured. Teachers always help us in the study and also in other activities. Sometimes they also take part in activities to encourage the students. We also have sports and yoga trainers. A unique method of teaching makes my school different from the other schools. Theoretical knowledge with practical lasts longer in our mind. Our teachers follow this method to explain things. They take help of computer animations and smart classes to demonstrate.

They do practical in the lab and supervise us during the science experiments. We make projects, we paint pictures and we take part in fashion competition and cultural activities. All classes at our school are well lighted and ventilated. We have smart classes. The school has a fresh water supply 24 hours. School staff is very dedicated to school. Our school provides essays about my school facility for the entire city. The school has 20 buses and 10 vans. We go to picnic 2 times a year. We go on an excursion every year. Our school organizes cricket tournament every year. We celebrate all national festivals together. School is called temple of education. A school is a place of creation of great personalities. A good school and teaching methods develop good characters in students.

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There is a roomy library on the ground floor. It has more than books. It has all the books; from the classics to the modern romances, the science related books to the historical books. The school has bus service with over 10 buses. My school is equipped with everything a child could ever need. The student-teacher bond is talked about. My school is filled with diversity and I love it. My school name is St Xavier Public School, it is situated on the confluence of two rivers. It is spread across half acre land, which comprises a school building, campus and a big ground. My school is semi English school and the main language is English.

Our school always deliver the best results. One of our students, Samsun is district topper and state topper in Mathematics. All credit goes to our teachers, administrative staff, and principal sir. We bagged this award because of our smart, hardworking principal sir. Last week, Principal sir updated that from this semester all of science and math classes will be taught on the computerised system. The school has bought software and projectors too. Parents welcome this concept. They are delighted to know that their children getting a quality education. Our school also helps other schools in surrounding villages. They conduct guest lectures and invite those students to our school too. We also arrange the annual Science Exhibition, Essay and Speech competition.

Our school believes in the collective success and that makes me proud of my school. It is situated at Bhavnagar in Gujarat. My school is well known in the whole state. It is 4 storied, yellow coloured building. My school has 40 ventilated rooms and 10 halls, also it has 1 large assembly hall. The school has 2 large computer labs and 4 science experiment laboratories. He is a very generous person. Except for the principal sir, there are 50 teachers in my school. There are 20 male and 30 female teachers. They are all well trained. They are all cooperative and cultured. Teachers always help us in the study and also in other activities. Sometimes they also take part in activities to encourage the students.

We also have sports and yoga trainers. A unique method of teaching makes my school different from the other schools. Theoretical knowledge with practical lasts longer in our mind. Our teachers follow this method to explain things. They take help of computer animations and smart classes to demonstrate. They do practical in the lab and supervise us during the science experiments. We make projects, we paint pictures and we take part in fashion competition and cultural activities. All classes at our school are well lighted and ventilated. We have smart classes. The school has a fresh water supply 24 hours. School staff is very dedicated to school. Our school provides transport facility for the entire city. The school has 20 buses and 10 vans. We go to picnic 2 times a year. We go on an excursion every year.

Our school organizes cricket tournament every year. We celebrate all national festivals together. School is called temple of education. A school is a place of creation of great personalities. A good school and teaching methods develop good characters in students. My school is one of those schools. My school is an ideal school. I love my school very much. A school is a temple of learning. It is a training ground for future bureaucrats, politicians, academics, scientists, artists, authors and so much more. We are taught about everything here. A school is the place where you find your talent and nurture it with the help of the teachers.

They love you like their own children. A good school shapes your character. It teaches you how to deal with people from outside your comfort zone. It teaches you manners, values and public dealing as well. My school is one of the best schools in the city. It is known for its high educational standards, state-of-the-art smart classes. The school is affiliated under the Central Board Of Education CBSE. Our school has very strict norms of studies, hygiene and uniform. Students and teachers must follow the decorum of the school. We go to school, attend the morning assembly, say our prayers and study for 6 hours a day. Our timings vary according to the seasons. In the summer season, the school starts at around 7.

and ends at 2 pm. In the winter season, the timings change from 7. and ends at 2. Our school has massive playground with swings, monkey bar, slides and a merry-go-round for kids to play on. The lawns and gardens are full of greenery and have beautiful flowerbeds that are managed by the gardener. The library is the best part about our school. it has more than books ranging from classical literature, autobiographies to modern novels. The library has beautiful sofas to sit on and read books in peace. The canteen is full of tasty treats and snacks. Our school has a beautiful infrastructure with big, airy rooms with large windows. The curriculum is tough but very interesting. The teachers are very nice. Our principal is a very respectable and nice woman. She is very sincere in nature and equally caring towards the kids as well.

Our school has a very enriching environment that pushes us forward to learn and be better ahead in life. Our school also provides transportation facilities for children who come from different areas. Our school organises various competitions such as debates, painting competition, creative writing competition and many more. There are functions like annual day, sports day and fete that take place once a year. My school has taught me a lot. The most important it has taught me, is to become a good person. A school is a pious of learning for a child. It is said to be the temple of Goddess Luxmi. It is a place where we learn how to behave in the society and it also plays a significant role in shaping our personality. It is a place where we learn good habits at a tender age, which has an everlasting impact on our overall personality.

I study in the Delhi Public School, Delhi. The name of our principal is Mr Raman and the name of our Vice Principal is Mrs meena Ranjan. It is the best school in a city with modern facilities. I go to school by bus. It is situated far away from the dust, noise and smoke of the city. My school is 4 storey building and have classes for nursery to 12th class students. Our school building is very big, beauty, proper ventilation and very impressive to look at. It has all the facilities a good school should have, like well furniture classrooms, well equipped laboratories, a small dispensary and big library. It has beautiful grassy lawns, well- kept playground, a Tennis Court and big swimming pool.

There is a large Courtyard in a school where we assemble in the morning for prayer. This is the reason that our school has the largest enrollment of students as compared to all near by schools. My school has a great fully functional library. It offers variety of books, notes and other study material of every kind. My school library is always open for everyone around the city. We love to study in library during our free hours. Apart from that, my school has a well maintained science hall. The Science subject is taught to us with the great care. The students are encouraged to learn science and do experiments in the science lab. My School is my pride. I feel greatly honored and happy to study in such a great institute of our country.

I wish every student a great and beautiful school like ours. Honorable Principal, respected teachers, guests and my dear friends, I welcome you all here to celebrate our school day. I am extremely honored to have such a great opportunity to speak before this honorable gathering about our school. Dear friends! the great building where we are studying right now, has successfully completed 25 years of its teaching. In this journey of 25 years, this school has created many bright students who are serving our country today, with their best possible capabilities. My school has countless achievements to be listed. Let me tell a few here to mark this day a special one for us. I started studying in this school from the very beginning. This is the first school where I stepped in.

In fact, this school has special relationship with my family. My brothers, sisters, family members and relatives, most of them, have been taught and trained by this school. This school is very special for me that it has made me what I am today. I have learned a lot of things from here that would go long with me for the rest of my life. Honorable teachers! The schools are made by the teachers with an efficient team management, dedication, sincerity of purpose and love for teaching. I am very proud of my school that it is has one of the best experienced teachers on the list. All of my school teachers and other members are very passionate. In fact, they have worked very hard to make this school one of the best place of education in our entire area.

Dear sir! The best school is one where the teachers understand what is needed in education for a student. The teachers of my school are very sincere and cooperative with the students. They know how to keep a balance between study and other activities. They keep their students active and alert in both curricular and non curricular activities. The school is like the second home of a student. It teaches you the good manners and good habits in your life. My school is an ideal school that prepares a student thoroughly. It emphasizes on discipline, dedication, sincerity and hard work. My school provides the best environment for the grooming of a student. It nurtures the best ever qualities of self confidence, motivation and passion among students. The best schools have always the best results.

We all should feel proud on our school because it has prepared the best minds. It has created many successful persons, engineers, doctors, lawyers, businessman, IT professionals, Civil service officers etc. The schools like ours, are the real assets of a nation. The nations are made great with the strongest institutions. we all are having very wonderful days of learning and experiencing things at school. Every year many of our friends leave this school by completing their education here. We all will be replaced by the other students here. The best time always passes speedily. We may not have another opportunity to be the part of such a prestigious institute in our life again. We need to try our best to maximize our learning and understanding from this wonderful institute The time always flies, dear friends.

Because, in our success, there lies the success of our school. By following these simple below mentioned steps you would be able to write a wonderful about my school essay. Steps to write my school essay. Step Number 1: On blank paper, write down the following information about your school. This is basic school information that you must be knowing. Step Number 2: Now, when you have written down the above information on blank paper, now you would be able to summarize all the information easily. Step Number 3: Write in short, simple and easy to understand words.

Do not use extra hard words in your essay. Step Number 4: Write relevant quotes and add some picture or info graphics to make your essay as the best essay on your school. In simple and easy word, the school is a place where children are enrolled.

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