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Essay deforestation

Essay deforestation

Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. The depletion of the ozone layer leads to desertification of arable lands forcing farmers to invade the forests near them while seeking well-irrigated land for farming and the race between desertification and deforestation is renewed, essay deforestation. cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Essay deforestation Consent plugin. Deforestation has a great impact on the ecosystem in different ways. It is a global issue arising as the big environmental and social issue around the globe. Trees and other forest vegetation are important in preventing water pollution because they prevent the contaminated runoff into water sources like rivers, essay deforestation, lakes and oceans.

Long and Short Essay on Deforestation in English

Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Human Impact — Deforestation. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. Deforestation is a major ecological problem affecting almost all regions worldwide that have been historically covered with forests. Essay deforestation also leads to landslides as tree roots help fix soilsoil erosion, decreased quality of air as essay deforestation produce oxygen, absorb pollutants, and humidify air. Cutting down rainforests also exacerbates global warming as these forest normally help capture more CO2 than they produce. Essays on deforestation might explore any of the aspects listed above — go through the samples to find additional topics and examples of good essay structure, essay deforestation, good outline, introduction, essay deforestation, conclusion.

Read more. Effects on The Environment Due to Deforestation in The World words 3 Pages. Why am I interested in Deforestation? Well it effects everyone who lives on earth, essay deforestation. Deforestation has such a destructive impact on our way of living life. Those who choose to essay deforestation the very nature that provides us with clean air just for profit, essay deforestation be Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. Deforestation occurs around the world, though tropical rainforests are particularly targeted. If current deforestation levels proceed Deforestation Plant Trees.

Have you ever thought about how important forests are in life? The trees in your surrounding seem unimportant as you go about essay deforestation life, acknowledging them only as the scenery and background in your life, essay deforestation. But if you think about it, trees are everywhere in Definition Deforestation is the transformation of woodland areas to non-woodland areas for use such as cultivable land, pastureland, suburban use, logged area, or barren essay deforestation. Deforestation can also be seen as elimination of forests leading to several variances ecologically and environmentally and results in turn Deforestation Environmental Issues, essay deforestation.

Deforestation is the cutting down of trees. The condition is caused by both natural and human activities. The activities might either be direct or indirect. As essay deforestation way of sourcing food, human beings engage in cultivations and livestock farming. The farming method calls for finding This essay is about environment and the problem of deforestation, essay deforestation. An environment is everything that surrounds us, essay deforestation. It can be living or non-living. The environment makes our ability to live much easier. It provides us with fresh air to breath and covers our planet with Deforestation Environmental Issues Trees. Introduction Deforestation is a significant issue that affects many species of animals around the world.

It is when humans fell trees for material to build structures, essay deforestation, use as firewood, make paper, or clear an area to construct buildings in. Orangutans are one of the many Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and essay deforestation fresh strength to our people. The Amazon deforestation did not simply begin with the Europeans, but There are many issues that the earth faces and two big ones are the effects from littering and deforestation. These specific things affect the world around us and our communities. When people litter, they damage our oceans and when people chop down thousands of trees Deforestation Environmental Issues Littering.

Drought is considered by many to be the most complex but least understood of all natural hazards, affecting more people than any other hazard G. Hagman essay deforestation However, there remains much confusion within the scientific and policy communities about its characteristics. It is precisely this confusion In this paper, essay deforestation, I will show that deforestation, as well as air pollution, global warming, and climate change are the issues with the essay deforestation potential impact for humankind in the 21st century and beyond. Deforestation is a huge concern in every nation across the globe Deforestation Urbanization. There are essay deforestation controversial topics on which many people may never agree on. For example politics, religion, and war are very controversial topics.

A controversial topic is deforestation, essay deforestation. Deforestation is the removal of a forest where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use Conservation of Forest Deforestation Environmental Issues. Forests are the sinks and reservoirs of permanently absorbed carbon as their biomass constitutes giga tons of carbon FAO, According to Global Forest Resource Assessment Deforestation Forest Protection. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Chernobyl Essays Climate Change Essays Global Warming Essays Recycling Essays Sustainability Essays Zoo Essays Hurricane Essays Renewable Energy Essays Food Waste Essays Ocean Essays.

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Some greedy people are cutting forests for earning more money by selling woods and increasing the danger to the wildlife and human life. Wild animals are migrating and dying, original flora and fauna are lasting, environment is changing negatively and disturbing the human life. Natural habitat of the most important animals is destroying because of this some are migrating to other areas or entering to the human areas or dying. We need to preserve trees by stopping the forest cutting or replanting the plants in order to save the animal sanctuary and maintaining the natural cycles of the environment to save the life here in future. Preservation of forests is also necessary to get fresh and healthy oxygen as well as reducing the amount of carbon dioxide gas.

Deforestation lead to increasing air pollution, increasing level of poisonous gases in the environment, increasing soil and water pollution, increasing environmental heat, and many more. All the negative effects of deforestation cause many health disorders and most importantly lungs and respiratory problems. Deforestation is the finishing of the forests by the human beings. Increasing human population day by day is increasing the need for land on the earth for agricultural, industrial, residential, commercial, cities and other purposes which involves permanent forest removal.

In the last century, our earth was covered with the forests everywhere however now-a-days only some counted forests exist. Deforestation is a big problem in India as well as other countries. It is a global issue arising as the big environmental and social issue around the globe. Deforestation disturbs the human lives by causing several imbalances ecologically and environmentally. Deforestation is alarming continuously and indicating the need to stop cutting plants for the safety of human lives. Some people are doing deforestation to fulfill their greediness of earning money from wood. People are cutting plants for their agricultural activities, logging to make papers, match-sticks, furniture, etc , urbanization road construction, housing, etc , desertification of land, mining oil and coal mining , fires to get heat , etc.

Deforestation is affecting the health of human being and fresh environment through climate imbalance, increasing global warming, soil erosion, floods, wildlife extinction, decreasing level fresh oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide gas and many more. Deforestation is very necessary stop in order to run the life as usual in better way. There should be some strict rules and regulations by the government of the country which everyone must follow to check deforestation. There should be simple and easy ways to make common people aware about the causes and effects of deforestation.

Population should be controlled to lessen the need of forests cutting. Whenever any plant is cut, there should be rules for replanting the plants in the place of old one. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of the forests in order to enhance sources for life and use of woods. Cutting plant is not bad however cutting it permanently is bad. Deforestation is one for many purposes like harvesting, livestock, logging, building houses, furniture, roads, firewood, industrialization, and other many purposes. Deforestation is affecting the environment more badly and more rapidly. Earth was full of forests in the last century however currently around eighty percent of the forests have been cut and destroyed and even rain forests has been disappeared permanently.

Forests are required for the wellness of the wild animals, human being and environment. Because of the deforestation many unique species of the plants and animals has been extinct permanently. The process of plant cutting is disrupting the natural carbon cycle and increasing its level in the environment day by day. Forests are the best medium to utilize the CO2 gas from the environment as well as remove other pollutants from the atmosphere and thus maintain the freshness of the environment. When forests are cleared the land remains empty and exposed to strong winds that sometimes destroy houses leading to loss of property and lives Morley These winds usually carry tiny particles of sand that hamper visibility and sometimes may also lead to eye irritation and infections.

The winds that blow over water surfaces sometimes result in high waves that flood the nearby human settlements destroying property and loss of lives that should have been protected like the devastating effects of the Tsunami and Katrina floods. Most people in developing nations depend on crop production and animal rearing for survival. In many developed nations, many people are usually employed to work in plantation farms and animal ranches. As the forests are cleared these activities are hampered and eventually they become impossible to practice. Many people are left jobless and without money or food and this increase, the number of people who depend on others and the government for support and lowers the gross domestic product.

The tourism industry relies on natural resources like lakes, forests, game parks and game reserves for its survival. Deforestation means that the natural settings of the tourist attraction sites are destroyed and this makes them lose their fascinating ability. Eventually, it leads to a drop in the number of tourists that visits a country. This finally reduces the amount of revenue generated from the tourism industry as foreign exchange earnings become less. For any economy to grow there must be few people relying on the government for assistance and the majority should be working Allen, When employment opportunities are destroyed due to negative changes in weather conditions as a result of deforestation the dependency ratio increases lowering the gross domestic product of a country.

A country incurs more expenses in providing for the unemployed population and may even require loans and international aids to sustain the life of its citizens. Manufacturing industries that rely heavily on natural resources like trees will be forced to close down as the rate at which the trees are cut far outstretches the number of trees being planted. If immediate actions are not taken to ensure a continuous supply of the raw materials like having an alternative to trees, the inevitable laying off of workers and closure of multimillion investments will follow Kalman, These industries generate a lot of income in terms of taxes paid to the government and the salaries paid to their workers. Finally, the depletion of forests will endanger infrastructural developments in developing countries that still rely on trees as poles for laying out their networks and services to various regions within their borders.

This means that electricity and telephone poles will not be available for these services forcing them to use metal poles that are very expensive to manufacture or acquire. Forests offer a source of livelihood to very many people and once this chance is wasted the people may turn to other evil and immoral ways of getting money like mugging and robbery with violence. Some may turn to drug abuse as a result of frustrations after losing their only source of income and this also results in children dropping out of school and most marriages end up breaking. Having discussed the causes and devastating effects of deforestation on the environment and human beings, it is thus very advisable to outline the various ways through which this menace can be regulated and possibly stopped.

The following are some of the major steps deemed necessary to curb the problem of deforestation;. There should be an elaborate public awareness campaign to educate and sensitize people on the need and ways of conserving forests, and all the dangers that are associated with deforestation Roberts, Afforestation campaigns should be carried throughout the world to ensure all depleted forests are replanted and protected against further exploitation. These campaigns may be done through churches, crusades and public meetings. The youths and children should be taught lessons that touch on the need for environmental awareness and protection. There should be proper legislation of strict laws to ensure that all existing forests are protected and any loggers and other forest exploiters are dealt with severely.

Every person should take individual responsibility to plant several trees when they cut down one since the cutting of trees is not completely avoidable. It should be made mandatory to have a certain percentage of private land under trees to increase the number of trees in a country. People should adopt other cheaper and environmentally friendly sources of energy that are also renewable like solar, biogas, wind and electricity for domestic and some industrial use to avoid overdependence on trees. Companies and individuals should start using plastic fencing poles made from recycled plastics to ensure no more trees are cut down to provide these poles. The paper industry should explore other options of getting pulp from cotton plants or the cotton insect to reduce the destruction of forests in search of raw materials Allen, Research should be carried out continuously to increase the chances of inventing other ways in which paper can be obtained without interfering with the forests.

It has been known the world over that paper industries contribute to the largest proportion of forest destruction. People should adopt population regulation methods like family planning to ensure the population does not exceed the ability of the available land to provide food and shelter. This will stop the encroachment of forests since there will be proper planning and use of both public and private lands. Finally, people should adopt reclamation of arid land through the various irrigation methods to increase the size of land under agriculture rather than clearing forests to create farming lands.

The world has a considerable size of land lying unused due to desertification but some countries have proved that these lands can be bearable by use of irrigation. The cutting down of trees is not in itself a threat to human beings and the environment but it should be accompanied by greater responsibility. This will ensure the existing forests are preserved and protected against any exploitation and the exploited ones are regenerated by replacing the cut trees with others. The forest cover can also be increased by the introduction of forests to areas it never existed through a practice called afforestation. This can be made effective by planting trees that grow and mature very fast. Even though it may take many years or centuries to recover the lost forests in the world, it will be a worthy cause for the preservation of the environment while increasing the productivity and availability of food throughout the world and at the same time securing the life of future generations.

The Significance of Deforestation. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. StudyCorgi Environment. Introduction Human beings have lived on earth for many years and have undergone various evolution stages to get to the current normal people. Learn More. We will write a custom essays specifically for you! Allen, W. Deforestation is the cutting down of trees. The condition is caused by both natural and human activities. The activities might either be direct or indirect.

As a way of sourcing food, human beings engage in cultivations and livestock farming. The farming method calls for finding This essay is about environment and the problem of deforestation. An environment is everything that surrounds us. It can be living or non-living. The environment makes our ability to live much easier. It provides us with fresh air to breath and covers our planet with Deforestation Environmental Issues Trees. Introduction Deforestation is a significant issue that affects many species of animals around the world. It is when humans fell trees for material to build structures, use as firewood, make paper, or clear an area to construct buildings in. Orangutans are one of the many Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.

The Amazon deforestation did not simply begin with the Europeans, but There are many issues that the earth faces and two big ones are the effects from littering and deforestation. These specific things affect the world around us and our communities. When people litter, they damage our oceans and when people chop down thousands of trees Deforestation Environmental Issues Littering. Drought is considered by many to be the most complex but least understood of all natural hazards, affecting more people than any other hazard G. Hagman However, there remains much confusion within the scientific and policy communities about its characteristics.

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